Pomoc pri zmene mena - Janosko do Nyemcsika na Janosko

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Skôr, než položíte otázku v tomto fóre, odporúčame Vám prečítať si tieto pravidlá a snažiť sa ich dodržiavať vo vlastnom záujme, aby Vám skúsenejší kolegovia mohli čo najskôr a čo najpresnejšie odpovedať:
1) Do predmetu témy napíšte konkrétne priezvisko, po ktorom pátrate, prípadne aj oblasť. Ak napíšete "Hľadám predkov", bude názov témy zmenený, pretože predkov tu hľadajú všetci, navyše ide o duplicitu s názvom subfóra.
2) Snažte sa uviesť všetky fakty, ktoré k danému predkovi viete, či už je to narodenie, úmrtie, sobáš, vierovyznanie, lokality, v ktorých žil, alebo čokoľvek iné. Akýkoľvek fakt je lepší, ako nič a môže viesť k rýchlejšej identifikácii.
3) Ak ide o osobu, ktorá už nežije, pridajte link na dokument, týkajúci sa osoby, alebo priložte sken dokumentu, aby sa predišlo omylom pri Vašom čítaní záznamu. Nebuďte ješitní, že Vám sa to stať nemôže. Stáva sa to každému, najmä v začiatkoch. Od toho sme tu, aby sme Vám pomohli, nikoho vopred nezatracujeme.
4) Uvedomte si, prosím, že pátranie po predkoch narodených po roku 1906, je výlučne vo Vašej kompetencii, pretože matriky po roku 1906 sú tzv. "živé matriky", ktoré sú stále uložené na matričnom úrade a údaje z nich sa poskytujú len priamym príbuzným. Preto musíte kontaktovať príslušnú matriku, kde budete musieť preukázať priamy príbuzenský vzťah a za poskytnutie každého záznamu môžu od Vás žiadať správny poplatok 5 Eur. Viac o tom, kde hľadať slovenské matriky: https://www.geni.sk/kde-hladat-slovenske-matriky/

Ďakujeme za pochopenie a želáme veľa úspechov v pátraní po predkoch.
Príspevky: 21
Dátum registrácie: 05 Jún 2017, 20:42
Predkovia z oblasti: Visny Zipov, Zehra, Harmanovce nad Toplou

Thank you again for offering your opinion/advice

I have not taken pictures of the baptismal records for all the children so I will the next time i have a chance to review.

Another question with the census record for #5

If you go back to page 12, you will see that somebody listed Janko Janosko and Suanna Janosko with different dates. Page 11 shows it for #5 so was this a mistake by the census taker?
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Príspevky: 250
Dátum registrácie: 09 Jún 2017, 15:56
Predkovia z oblasti: Podlužany/Tekovská Nová Ves (Nová Dedina), Pezinok/Častá/Ch.Grob, Smolník (pri Snine)

Numbering around seems OK, so I would say it is about two houses at one "street number" 5 or built at one land lot, because house attributes on the first page of census slightly differ (number of stalls). But the sequence of the pages is confusing. Lets' call the left page "a" and right page "b". So the first house with less members starts at page 11b, continues at 12a, then 14b and last page is on 15a. Second house with more members is inserted as 12b, 13a, 13b, 14a. Janko at page 12a is called Janko junior, he was born 1848 (and Susanna there is his sister). But if we have father of the second house, Janko 1826, still alive (13a), Janko 1848 should not be his brother. Because of the houses under the same street number there should be family relationship, it could be at least his cousin or nephew or so. However, suffix "junior" does not need necessarily indicate close family relationship, it could be used only to differentiate two people with identical name in that village. And birthyears in census were based on info from interviewed people without crosschecks against local matricula records, so some deviations could be there too. ph.
Príspevky: 21
Dátum registrácie: 05 Jún 2017, 20:42
Predkovia z oblasti: Visny Zipov, Zehra, Harmanovce nad Toplou

Well I may figured out who Janko Jr is on page 12a/

The first born son of Joannes Nyemcsik/Janosko born in 1850

The issue though is the year of birth of what looks to be 1868. Maybe its 48 ? If 48, most likely that son since I was unable to find him in Dubrava outside of this record. I do believe this Janko eventually had a son in 1875 with a Anna Gaspar. They had the child at Dubrava 5. I will have to look to see if he had married a Susanna sometime prior to 1869. I thought wives had their maiden names listed though. Maybe this is a sister but I can't recall seeing a Susanna being born.

The additional information also helps me with another relative and the census. In Vyzny Zipov, have a relative who's house I believe I have found but it appears that the wifes' first name is incorrect. Almost sure its his house but it appears that these census records have mistakes in them.
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Príspevky: 250
Dátum registrácie: 09 Jún 2017, 15:56
Predkovia z oblasti: Podlužany/Tekovská Nová Ves (Nová Dedina), Pezinok/Častá/Ch.Grob, Smolník (pri Snine)

Yes, it looks like 1868. But if the document is Census 1869 and Janko is already master/owner of that house, I doubt he could be only one year old. More likely it is 1848, you can have a look at previous pages where digit 4 exists in other records, the way how it is written is quite similar. With the information at page 12a that Suzanna 185? is sister of Janko, you need to find the same parents for children Joannes 184?8 and Suzana around 1851 or 57 to verify them. Suzanna's digit 5 is quite clear, so I do not expect Jan to be too far, e.g. 1818. Any mistakes are possible, we work with probability only.
Príspevky: 621
Dátum registrácie: 17 Okt 2012, 23:16
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Possible candidates for Joannes and Susanna are here:

https://www.familysearch.org/search/rec ... id=1554443
Príspevky: 21
Dátum registrácie: 05 Jún 2017, 20:42
Predkovia z oblasti: Visny Zipov, Zehra, Harmanovce nad Toplou

Thank you for the additional comments. Are there comments about this Susanna being his sister on 12a or was that due to my comment?

I guess I will have to wait until I get a chance to go back and view the film. I did find something interesting upon looking at some pictures I took of the film the last time I was there. If I noticed Janosko or Nyemcsik in a record, I took a picture of it. I found a death record for an Elizabetha Janosko in 1873 who was at Dubrava 5. She was 22 years of age. Looks like a cholera outbreak occurred in Dubrava then.

In the name field, it appears to say Elizabetha Janosko with a word (unknown to me) then Joannes col nafa then what looks to be a name. Possibly Ralovsky? Here is the photo. Of course the name isn't Susanna but maybe Census taker was confused with Susanna Hvizdos? Of course I am just guessing
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Príspevky: 250
Dátum registrácie: 09 Jún 2017, 15:56
Predkovia z oblasti: Podlužany/Tekovská Nová Ves (Nová Dedina), Pezinok/Častá/Ch.Grob, Smolník (pri Snine)

No, it is not based on your comment - Suzanna at page 12a is a sister of Janko and this is stated there - word 'sestra' just following her surname. Census used to be written (usually) in that way that the first name was master/principal/main inhabitant and/or owner of the house and for all others there was a relationship to this first person, for example page 13a - line 2 'manželka' meaning the wife, lines 3,4,5,7 'sin' (syn) meaning the son, line 6 'cera' (dcéra) meaning the daughter.

Re Elisabetha Janosko: you forgot to attach the picture. But based on your description: "col nafa" is likely "col[onus] nata", which means "farmer born", so following surname would be her maiden name. Unknown word after Joannes is something wife or married etc., which means that she was survived by Joannes. Or if it is "vidua or defuncti" she was already widow, so Joannes died sooner.
Príspevky: 21
Dátum registrácie: 05 Jún 2017, 20:42
Predkovia z oblasti: Visny Zipov, Zehra, Harmanovce nad Toplou

My apologies. I thought I had attached the file. Let me see if I can do it again

Thank you for the Census info

Hopefully the picture is updated
Príspevky: 905
Dátum registrácie: 02 Jan 2013, 20:17

GZIPAY napísal: 20 Sep 2017, 17:41...Mám predka, ktorého sa narodil Andreas Janosko v roku 1872 v Dubravě. On zmenil svoje meno po vstupe do Spojených štátov do Nemcik...
..."On my grandmothers side, her father's name is Andro (sometimes Andreas, or Andrew)Nemcik and he came from Dubravy, Hungary...He was born 1 May, 1872 in Dubravy"...:https://www.ancestry.com/boards/thread. ... ic.general

1) Andreas Janosko narodený 20. okt. 1872 v Dúbrave / 2) Andreas Nemcik nar. 01. mája 1872 v Dúbrave. Som :? , ktorý vstupný údaj je 100 % ? Na konci 19. stor. môžeme údaje v matrikách považovať za takmer presné.

Odporúčam Vám, požiadajte príslušný archív o vydanie rodného listu 1) Andreas Janosko, možno v matrike pokrstených bude na konci zápisu poznámka, že si zmenil priezvisko, príp. vypracovanie rešerše. Netuším, aký dôvod by mal na úplnú zmenu priezviska v USA, aj keď to zatiaľ nevylučujem.
Príspevky: 905
Dátum registrácie: 02 Jan 2013, 20:17

Doplním ešte moju odpoveď.
V prvom rade by ste mali mať v rukách rodný list Vašej starej mamy, kde budú uvedení jej rodičia, v lepšom prípade aj s miestom ich pôvodu. Druhý dokument by mal byť sobášny list jej rodičov, to je základ, aby ste vstupné údaje nemali "postavené na vode".

Predpokladám, že tu https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903 ... cc=1987615 , ste našli "základné" údaje o nejakom "Andro Nemcik". Ako ste k nemu priradili, že miestom jeho narodenia je Dúbrava netuším.
Chcem Vás upozorniť na fakt, že matriky na Slovensku nie sú všetky indexované a zverejnené na FS. Navyše, ako Vám v odpovedi uviedla tá pani, obec s názvom Dúbrava sa nachádza aj v okr. Liptovský Mikuláš a Levoča.
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